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We have had the good fortune to have Mike Sawyer do work around our office on three occasions. He came when he said he would, the work proceeded quickly and the site was left as he found it. The bills came in as quoted, and now, whenever work needs doing, all my staff knows to call Mike. We have been very pleased with the quality of Mike’s work, and would have no hesitation in recommending him to anyone.


We purchased our home recognizing that it needed a little "TLC". We were so fortunate in finding Mike and we were amazed at how Mike and his team's knowledge and attention to detail transformed our new home into the beautiful home it was meant to be.

Patrick and Carolyn

We are incredibly pleased with the work Mike and his team did for our log home. They were professional, responsive, and the wash and stain turned out great. We would highly recommend their services.


My project required blasting, protective treatment, and staining of our logs. Each step was meticulously executed using high-quality products. The crew from "Wood Works Finishing & Staining" were exceptional - very organized, site was kept tidy. 2 years have passed, and my log home still is in pristine condition!


My wife Lori and I built our “dream log cabin” back in 2011. It has become the cornerstone of family gatherings and weekend retreats. Our log cabin is much more than a “get-away” for our family and friends. It has provided us time and again with some of the best moments in our lives.
So, ensuring that our cabin received the best care was top-of-mind from the moment we first opened it. Over the last 12 years we have had “good” help in maintaining our investment, but never “great” help. We found “great” help when we were introduced to Mike Sawyer.
Mike provided us, for the first time in 12 years, a complete maintenance solution. Over the years since we built our log cabin, maintenance was always whatever the tradesmen could provide us over the summer. Although very knowledgeable, these individuals would only do so much, and then leave the rest for the following season. Mike was different. He immediately realized that some of our maintenance was aging, some relatively new, some very new. He took his time while he and his crew brought every facet of our cabin’s maintenance program up to the present moment. He has followed up with seasonal visits to ensure the maintenance of the entire cabin is always current. We are delighted with how our country home looks and feels. Mike is a true pro, and gives his all in every part of the maintenance schedule. He has proved to be reliable, trustworthy and effective in his solutions.

Mario and Lori

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