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A Trustworthy Company

Established in 2020, Wood Works Finishing & Staining has been providing comprehensive services to Southern Ontario residents. The members of our team boast years of experience working in the home renovation field. As a commitment to our clients, we work hard until our customers are satisfied with the end result. A job is never complete until your vision has been made a reality. Our services encompass wood finishing, staining, and maintenance. Additionally, we provide services for other surfaces as well, including brick, metal, vinyl siding, and more. No matter what your next project looks like, we are here to help.

front view of a house

Our Mission

Our team of experts is fully licensed and equipped with the necessary tools and skills to provide superb wood services. If you live in a log home and you feel as if the wood has aged and does not present itself the way you would like, our team is available to revive it. We love showing our customers how a little maintenance and care and maybe a fresh layer of stain can bring a wooden home back to life. Our company is reliable and dependable. You are guaranteed to be satisfied with the end result of any job we perform for you. When you reach out to us to gain access to our services, we will come to your property as soon as possible to provide you with an accurate estimate of the services you desire. We always strive to provide the best services at the lowest cost possible.

Wood Services Designed for You

Our services are centred around success for our clients. We provide comprehensive services so that we can make your wood dreams a reality. We strive to work together with our clients to ensure that they get what they need out of our company. Our professionals do not cut corners, and we utilize environmentally friendly products on all of our projects. Even if you have a job that you would like to do on your own, our team is happy to give you advice on the best way to go about it. As mentioned before, we are here to help our clients be successful and happy with their projects, whether we do it ourselves or you complete it. Whether your home needs to be stained, painted, or maintained, we are the right team for the job. Contact us today to learn more about the services we offer.

Reach Out to Our Wood Experts Today