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Caring for Your Deck & Patio

Keeping your deck or patio in good condition requires regular maintenance. Wood Works Finishing & Staining provides deck and patio maintenance to Southern Ontario residents. When you choose our team to care for your deck or patio, you will not be disappointed. Our services are comprehensive so that you can get all the care you need for your structures from one reliable team. With our regular cleaning and maintenance services, your deck or patio will stay looking beautiful for the years to come. We take the extra steps to ensure that every component of your outdoor structure is taken care of properly.

wood pool deck

Our Maintenance Services

Our team of experts is certified and licensed to care for your deck or patio adequately. With our maintenance services, your deck or patio will stay looking its best. We provide a variety of services to enhance or restore the original look of your outdoor structures. When it comes to staining your deck or patio, we typically use an oil-based stain, but we are open to using any product that you would prefer us to use. We know how important your outdoor investments are, which is why we work with you to give you the final product that you desire. Our patio and deck maintenance services include:

  • Pressure Washing
  • Stripping of Old Stain
  • Staining
  • Painting
  • Wood Sealant

Let Your Outdoor Structures Shine

We know how important it is for you to feel good about the health and look of your outdoor structures. Maintaining patios and decks for our clients is something that our team specializes in. When you trust us to care for your deck or patio, you are choosing to ensure that these structures withstand all weather elements and last for as long as possible. Our team provides a variety of cleaning and maintenance services to ensure that you and your loved ones can continue to enjoy these beautiful outdoor structures. If your deck or patio needs maintenance, call us today, and we will come to take care of it for you.

Reach Out to Our Wood Experts Today