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Taking Care of Your Log Home

Log homes do require regular maintenance, but with our services, it is easy to keep up with. Wood Works Finishing & Staining provides log home maintenance services in Southern Ontario. With our team on your side, you can keep your log home in shape and looking beautiful all year long. We know that some homeowners think that their wood cannot be saved after a certain point, but with our services, we can prove you wrong. Your log home is a unique and beautiful thing, which is why we will care for it as if it were our own. Taking care of your log home is as simple as giving our professionals a call today.

Our Log Home Maintenance Services

When you reach out to us, our crew will come to you and assess the condition of your log home. Once we have evaluated the situation, we will go over all the options we have for you. We will let you know whether your home needs to be stripped and stained or if it just requires a simple maintenance coat of stain. We use our own stain lines and wood rot epoxy so we can guarantee the workmanship and quality of work we do. Our log home maintenance services include:


We will enhance the colour of your wood home with our staining services.


Our team can paint your home’s wooden components to protect them from the elements.


We can fill in the spaces between the logs of your log home to ensure that it is sealed properly.

Minor Wood Rot Repair

Our wood experts can revitalize wood components of your home that have started to rot. This does not include structural components.

Insect Control

Wood can attract insects. Our team is here to help repel insect infestations in your log home.

front view of a wooden house

What Affects the Stain Life of My Wood?

There are several components that can affect the longevity of your log home’s stain life. It is important that your home has protection around it. These protective components could be trees, shrubs, flower beds, and soffits. It is important that you have your wooden logs cleaned regularly in order to keep them free of harmful substances such as mould and mildew. The elements of the summer and winter months can also have a damaging effect on your wood home. It is vital that you have our professionals service and maintain your log home with our maintenance options so that your logs stay in the best shape possible.

Maintain Your Wooden Home With Our Services

Our team of wood-caring professionals is very familiar with the wood maintenance process. Over the years, we have curated the best approach to caring for log homes. Wood requires regular service to keep it in its best shape. We offer comprehensive maintenance services so that you can care for your home the right way. With us on your side, you won’t have to worry about the status of your log home. You will have peace of mind knowing that it is cared for properly and that it looks its best all year long. We will work with you to address all of your needs, and we will not finish the job until you are happy with the results. Reach out to us today to plan your next log home service date.

Reach Out to Our Wood Experts Today